Convenience for Quality
2017 Food and Health Survey Finds that Foodies Are More Confident in Their Nutrition Know-How and Have Their Own Take on “Healthy”
WASHINGTON, D.C.—You might describe yourself as a “foodie” if you post photos of your avocado toast on social media or gift homemade jam with fruit from your garden. But being a “foodie” means much more than this.
According to the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation’s 2017 Food and Health Survey, foodies are more confident in their nutrition know-how, will sacrifice cost and convenience to get foods that align with their values, and even define “healthy” differently than other types of consumers.
An analysis of purchase drivers from 2017 Food & Health Survey findings reveals six distinct groups of consumers, including foodies. These profiles help us understand how different consumers think about and shop for food beyond traditional demographics, like age, income or gender. Other groups identified include pleasure shoppers, diligent searchers, product selectors, unbiased buyers and indifferent consumers.
You Might Be a Foodie If…
According to the Food and Health Survey, a foodie is someone who sacrifices convenience and cost in search of a quality product, particularly one that is tasty, healthy, and made in a way that aligns with their personal beliefs.
Foodies also have a different definition of healthy food compared to other Americans. While the other five profile groupings consider a healthy food to be “part of an important food group,” foodies are the only group to include “minimally processed” in their top three attributes of a healthy food. Foodies also chose “free from artificial ingredients, additives” and “high in healthy components or nutrients,” rounding out their definition of healthy.